Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Invisible Coin Introduction Summary Essay - 1675 Words
The Invisible Coin Introduction summary: Since its insertion into the mainstream world, Bitcoin, a virtual decentralized currency, has fully-fledged in both its status and in its use. Despite this, there still endures a relative lack of economic exploration in academia about this innovative economic phenomenon. Bitcoin is an online currency that does not require a bank account, credit card or any personal information. Bitcoin stays clear of the roads that are â€Å"most travelled†; the catch though is you’re no longer backed by any government. Bitcoin doesn’t have a central bank or a countries leadership vouching for its authenticity. Bitcoin is unique; Bitcoin is the opposite of what we normally would think of a currency, so maybe that’s why it took some time for it to lift up in the early stages. Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman in 1999 once spoke out and said, â€Å"The one thing that’s missing, but will soon be developed, is a reliable e-cash†. So Friedman was ahead of everyone else seeing this as a development for the world market. The beginning of Bitcoin is not exactly easy to fully document because the so-called creator is known to have an alias name. That name first arose in 2008 in a paper published via online with the name of â€Å"Satoshi Nakamoto†. That paper was titled â€Å"Bitcoin, a Peer-to-Peer-Electronic-Cash-System†. November 2008 was the early stages of the great financial crisis. So pre-financial crisis, maybe the interest for Bitcoin was not noticed right away. ButShow MoreRelatedElectronic Cash and Smart Cards Essay1344 Words  | 6 PagesELECTRONIC CASH AND SMART CARDS Introduction When you go into a store to make a purchase a monetary transaction takes place between a merchant, the provider and the consumer, which is you. Typically you would either use cash, check or credit card. If you are making a purchase less than five dollars it doesn’t seem reasonable to pay with a credit card or write a check. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Socialization Techniques Of African American Male Within...
Abstract Socialization techniques of African Americans, in particular black males in the criminal justice system are vastly dissimilar in comparison to their white counterparts. The dominant socialization indifference is theoretically associated with Marxist Criminology schools of thought, in particular conflict theory. Qualitative, empirical, and historical data supports Marxist criminology based on capitalism, conflict, and the disparity treatment of the Afro-American male within the criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections. This research will address how capitalism creates a caste system that perpetuates conflict. Furthermore, this research will briefly explore the correlation of American capitalism, slavery, Jim Crow, and the new â€Å"Negro†coined criminal; and the Marx school of thought as it pertains to African American males interaction within the American criminal justice system and the hidden agenda of its capitalistic government. Keywords: crime, ethnic-racial socialization, policing techniques, race, racial discrimination Introduction The socialization techniques of African American males in the American criminal justice system are vastly disproportionate in comparison to their white counter parts. Economics and power play a vital role in this epidemic. This is best associated with Karl Marx’s philosophy of Marxist Criminology. (Marx) Early Marxist criminologist, William Bonger(1905), associated misuse and separation of capitalism as theShow MoreRelatedWhat Are the Major Issues That Cause Inner City Youth to Join Gangs and Become Delinquent? 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Segregation and Integration
Questions: 1. Who is the author of the document? 2. When was this document written? How long after the event was it written? 3. What is the subject of the document? 4. Where does the action contained in this document take place? Is it important to the subject of the document? What is the relationship of the author to the action? 5. Why did the author write this document? Who is his audience? What does he hope to gain from writing this document? What is his point of view? 6. Taking the above answers into account, how accurate do you find this document? What would be the drawbacks of using this document? What would this document help a historian to explain/analyze? Answers: 1. The author of the document: Booker T. Washington was an eminent Afro-American leader and educator. He was born in the plantation of James Burroughs, in Franklin County. He was born to an unknown white man and Jane, a slave cook. He began his early life as a slave in the Burroughss plantation. In 1872, he got admission in Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Hampton, Virginia. The principle of the institute believed in the utilitarian education of the Blacks. This philosophy later found expression in the later speeches and activities of Washington[1] .He laid emphasis on the vocational and industrial skills of the Blacks which came in contrast with the ongoing agitation for the civil and political rights of the Blacks. 2. Time period of the speech: This speech was delivered on September 18, 1895 at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta. Two years ago, in the year 1893, Washington had given a speech in Atlanta during the meeting of the Christian Workers. In the meeting he spoke about developing the industrial and vocational skills of the Blacks so that they could earn a decent living by their own efforts. His speech received positive response from the audience which comprised both the Blacks and Whites. This prompted the board of the Exposition decided to begin their meeting with this speech that he gave in front of the Christian Workers[2]. 3. The subject of the speech: The speech dealt with the Negro problem, that is, the degrading economic and social condition of the Blacks. He argued that only through hard work and constant struggle can the Blacks earn respect among the Whites. He was opposed to the agitation for the civil and political rights of the Blacks. His speech called for a shared responsibility between the two races where the Whites were appealed to trust the Blacks and the Blacks were also urged upon to stand by the Whites in both their good and bad times. In short, he was in favor of integration2. 4. The subject of the speech and the relationship between the author and the speech: The speech deals with the improvement in the economic and social condition of the Blacks. This speech came at a time when the Blacks were agitating for their civil and political rights. Washington seemed to strike the right chord when he showed his opposition to such political movements. He argued that such agitations were meaningless. The Blacks should concentrate on imbibing the vocational and industrial skills so that they can earn their own living. He was troubled over the racial trouble that went on in the South[3]. However, it was later discovered that Washington was keen on being friends with influential Whites which prompted him on making such a reconciliatory speech of compromise. As a matter of fact, Washington was supporting the political movement for the civil rights. 5. The reason behind the speech and the point of view of the author: The motive of Washington in making this speech was twofold. On the one hand, the speech was supposed to make the Blacks aware of the importance of earning their own living. In doing so, he urged the Whites to have belief and trust upon the Blacks. He also asked the Blacks to earn their respect by the productions of our own hands[4]. On the other hand, he also hoped to win the favor of the influential Whites through this Atlanta compromise. His audience consisted of both White and Black people. He hoped to get the attention of the Whites and prove his allegiance. Yet his speech was also inspiring since he tried to improve the existing relationship of the two races and also better the economic condition of the Blacks. The viewpoint of Washington was that it was fruitless to agitate for civil rights when the Blacks can earn their respect through hard work and struggle. The whites should trust the Blacks and the Blacks themselves should support the Whites as well. 6. The accuracy and the drawbacks of the speech: The speech by Washington was an inspiration for the Negroes. He moved the focus of the Blacks from the political agitation to their social conditions. However, later incidents showed that he was secretly supporting the Blacks movement for the political rights. Hence, it showed that every document of history needs to be verified with the help of events that occur simultaneously at the time the speech was made. Though the speech was made in earnest, the historian needs to keep in mind that not all recommendations or assertions made by the speaker need be true. Neither does it prove that the speaker had to follow all the assertions that he made in his speech. References: "American National Biography Online: Washington, Booker T.". Anb.Org. Last modified 2016. Accessed August 29, 2016. "Atlanta Compromise Speech". New Georgia Encyclopedia. Last modified 2016. Accessed August 29, 2016. "Booker T. Washington Delivers The 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech". Historymatters.Gmu.Edu. Last modified 2016. Accessed August 29, 2016. "The Rise And Fall Of Jim Crow . Jim Crow Stories . The Atlanta Compromise Speech | PBS". Pbs.Org. Last modified 2016. Accessed August 29, 2016.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Tobacco Manufacturing US Market Research â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Tobacco Manufacturing US Market Research? Answer: Introduction In United States drinking and Smoking is causing serious trouble for people. The statistics of deaths from smoking is even greater than the demand that from alcohol. There is an inter relation between alcohol consumption and smoking. Beer and cigarette are considered as complement goods. People prefer to smoke while drinking beer. Therefore, any disturbance in either of the market affects the other market as well. Finally, the incidence of cigarette ban and reduction of the crime rate in Isle of Man has been evaluated. Beer, Wine and Cigarette Market In market for alcoholic beverages, Beer and Wine are counted as two important names. Wine is a drink that can be served to a large variety of occasion. United States is recorded as producing fourth largest volume of alcoholic beverages in the global market. Dominating brands in the Wine market are Bronco Wine Company, Treasury Wine Estates, the Wine Group E.J. Gallo Wine Company, and Constellation Brands. The numbers of Wine retailers are forecasted to increase by 2020 (, 2017). Average wine consumption has increased rapidly. Most buyer in the wine market are influenced by wine color. Beer is another widely consumed alcoholic beverages. The proportion of alcohol is least in beer. Breweries are categorized in two groups- micro-breweries and macro-breweries. The classification is made based on volume of production and size. The share of craft brew companies are raising continuously (, 2017). Consumers buying pattern in the beer market is greatly influenced by outer packaging. In the tobacco market Cigarette is the widely consumed items. All groups of people- teenagers, young adults, and old adults consume cigarette. In the cigarette market, different brands of cigarettes are available (, 2017). There are often foreign brand in increasing competition in the domestic market. There is a dependency between the consumption of beer and wine and that of cigarette. Cigarette is consumed together with wine or beer. People have a high tendency of smoking at times of drinking beer or wine. Hence, increase or decrease in prices of beer and wine affects Cigarette demand. The cross price elasticity between beer and cigarette is positive. This means a rise in price of beer leads to a reduced demand for cigarette for those who prefers cigarette at time of drinking beer. As suggested in the report smoking is more likely to be related with beer consumption than that of Wine (, 2017). Impact of health warnings on cigarette packaging on beer consumption Figure 1: effect on beer market for health warnings on cigarette packaging (Source: As created by the Author) There is a complementary relation between the consumption of beer and cigarette. People smoke more when they drink beer or other alcoholic beverages. In case of complementary goods demand of the two goods are dependent on each other. Health warnings on cigarette packaging spread awareness for injurious effect of smoking (Young?Wolff et al, 2014). As a result, demand for cigarette might decreases. DD shows the initial demand curve for beer. Those who drink beer at times of smoking demand beer less with a reduced demand for cigarette. In the beer market, the demand curve for beer will shift inward direction. The new demand curve is D1D1. Equilibrium in the beer market shifts from earlier E to e. If this happens, then price in the beer market will fall from P* to P1 and the quantity demanded will decrease from Q* to Q1. Therefore, heath warning on cigarette packaging affects beer market through its complementary consumption relation. Impact of yeast shortage on Cigarette purchase Figure 2: Impact of yeast shortage on Cigarette demand (Source: as created by the Author) Yeast is a important ingredient for making alcoholic beverages. Shortage of yeast will hamper the production of beer and lead to a shortage in the beer market. The shortage of supply in the beer market leads to a price increase in the beer market and hence a reduced demand for beer. When demand for beer reduces, the demand for its complementary goods cigarette decreases (Beard et al, 2017). Demand curve for cigarette shift from D1D1 to D2D2. The decreased demand for cigarette will lead to a decrease in both price and quantity purchase in the cigarette market. Isle of Man cigarette ban In order to reduce Crime rate in Isle of Man, a new strategy has been adapted. The strategy is to force the prisoners to give up smoking habit once they entered in the jail. Cigarette is an addictive item. The demand for addictive items is inelastic in nature. People do not want to sacrifice their addiction at any cost (van den Berg et al., 2013). The fear of being imprisoned is not enough for reducing the incidence of crime. Forcing criminals to give up smoking has made them thinking repeatedly before involving in criminal offenses like fighting, stealing or drug trading. It is the only non- smoking prison in Europe. Neither the guards nor the inmates are allowed for smoking in the premises, even not outside the building (, 2017). With such a strict regulation, crime rate fell to 14% since opening of the jail. Prisoners coming to the jail have no other choice but to leave their addiction of cigarette. To help them to cope up with the situation counseling and nicotine patches are offered. With this, crime rates are declined largely. People caught for car stealing, number of assaults has recorded a decline. Giving up smoking is something that they really feared. It is working beyond the fear of punishment. Conclusion The paper analyzes alcohol and tobacco market in United States. Wine, beer and spirits are three important alcoholic beverages in US market. Consumption and sales of both Wine and beer is leading to an increase in death occurring from smoking and alcohol consumption. Beer and cigarette are complementary goods. While there is a health warning on cigarette consumption then demand for beer is likely to be reduced. Shortage of yeast crates supply shortage in beer market ad affects the purchase the cigarettes adversely. Strategy of smoking ban to reduce crime in Isle of Man has appeared as an effective way of reducing crime rates. References Beard, E., West, R., Michie, S., Brown, J. (2017). Association between smoking and alcohol?related behaviours: A time?series analysis of population trends in England.Addiction. Cigarette Tobacco Manufacturing in the US Market Research | IBISWorld. (2017) Retrieved 14 September 2017, from Drop in crime on Isle of Man attributed to Europe's only non-smoking prison. (2017).Mail Online. Retrieved 14 September 2017, from Facts, U. (2017).Topic: Wine Retrieved 14 September 2017, from U.S. smoking rate does something it hasn't in years. (2017) Retrieved 14 September 2017, from van den Berg, J. J., Bock, B., Roberts, M. B., Stein, L. A., Friedmann, P. D., Martin, S. A., Clarke, J. G. (2013). Cigarette smoking as an expression of independence and freedom among inmates in a tobacco-free prison in the United States.nicotine tobacco research,16(2), 238-242. Want people to drink less? Make their cigarettes more expensive. (2017).Washington Post. Retrieved 14 September 2017, from Young?Wolff, K. C., Kasza, K. A., Hyland, A. J., McKee, S. A. (2014). Increased cigarette tax is associated with reductions in alcohol consumption in a longitudinal US sample.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research,38(1), 241-248.
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