Thursday, January 30, 2020
Federative Treaty of 1992 and constitution of 1993 Essay Example for Free
Federative Treaty of 1992 and constitution of 1993 Essay Federalism is a political system in which the Government is organized into two structures, one at the central level, and the other at the state or territorial level. Both forms of Government have certain powers and obligations towards the people. They also have to maintain relationships with each other. The Russian Federation or ‘Russia’ was formed in 1991, from USSR. It is a Republic belonging to the USSR, and by itself was a federation, previously. The President is the Head of State, and several parties are present in the political system. The Prime Minister, who heads the Government, is appointed by the President. Russia adopted a new constitution in December, 1993. The transition period from communism to a federal form of government was not comfortable for the Russian people and the economy. The country’s economy had gone through a severe crisis, and the people suffered from poverty, at that time. However, the economy has improved by the year 1999. There are about 86 federal units in the Russian Federation. These include 21 republics (which are given greater autonomy), 48 provinces, 7 territories, 7 autonomous districts and 1 autonomous province. Moscow and St. Petersburg are 2 federal cities. The Federation Treaty was signed in 1993. It was not included in the Constitution. However, the constitution identified the Federation Treaty.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
European Colonialism and Imperialism Essay -- Politics Government
How were the Europeans able to conquer and control large areas of the globe? What gave them a great advantage over other groups? The proximate cause of this advantage was their possession of guns, germs, and steel. But how is it that they possessed these things and others did not? Ultimate causes of the Europeans possession of these guns, germs, and steel could be â€Å"Divine Providence.†People at the time thought that God favored the Europeans over other groups. Another ultimate cause could have been â€Å"Scientific Racism.†Other people believed that the Europeans were genetically superior to the other regions of the world. Now, because of Jared Diamond’s thesis, we can conclude that the ultimate cause of European colonialism and imperialism was â€Å"Geographic Luck.†One of the main reasons for European colonialism and imperialism was the axis and climate zones. Having a long east-west axis results in the same climate zone and same day lengths. Crops are spread easily on an east-west axis because, moving east to west, there isn’t much change in weather. This gave Eurasia an advantage because there was a large mass of crops spread east to west. There was also a lot of fighting in that area which spread ideas and technology through the conquering of other regions. The Americas had a disadvantage because they had a long north-south axis. In a long north-south axis, there are many different climate zones. In the Americas, the groups were isolated and ideas rarely spread among one another. There were more domesticated crops in Eurasia because of this east-west axis, and in the Americas the crops were not spread as much because of the change in climate zones throughout the north-south axis. Eurasia also had a great advantage when it came to... ...very separated by the geography, but China was just one area making it easy to have only one ruler. Europe was able to conquer and control large areas of the globe because of Jared Diamond’s theory of â€Å"Geographic Luck.†God did not favor them more and their race was not genetically superior. Geographic luck is still affecting the world today. Trade is affected greatly, as well as the political unity in different countries. If everyone knew about this theory, I think the world would work together more. I think that more people would help the people who had a disadvantage because of the geography around them. Religions might also be affected if everyone knew about this theory. Some people may blame God for the way they live, but really God didn’t favor anyone. Wealth and the power in different societies that we have now I think are affected by the geography. European Colonialism and Imperialism Essay -- Politics Government How were the Europeans able to conquer and control large areas of the globe? What gave them a great advantage over other groups? The proximate cause of this advantage was their possession of guns, germs, and steel. But how is it that they possessed these things and others did not? Ultimate causes of the Europeans possession of these guns, germs, and steel could be â€Å"Divine Providence.†People at the time thought that God favored the Europeans over other groups. Another ultimate cause could have been â€Å"Scientific Racism.†Other people believed that the Europeans were genetically superior to the other regions of the world. Now, because of Jared Diamond’s thesis, we can conclude that the ultimate cause of European colonialism and imperialism was â€Å"Geographic Luck.†One of the main reasons for European colonialism and imperialism was the axis and climate zones. Having a long east-west axis results in the same climate zone and same day lengths. Crops are spread easily on an east-west axis because, moving east to west, there isn’t much change in weather. This gave Eurasia an advantage because there was a large mass of crops spread east to west. There was also a lot of fighting in that area which spread ideas and technology through the conquering of other regions. The Americas had a disadvantage because they had a long north-south axis. In a long north-south axis, there are many different climate zones. In the Americas, the groups were isolated and ideas rarely spread among one another. There were more domesticated crops in Eurasia because of this east-west axis, and in the Americas the crops were not spread as much because of the change in climate zones throughout the north-south axis. Eurasia also had a great advantage when it came to... ...very separated by the geography, but China was just one area making it easy to have only one ruler. Europe was able to conquer and control large areas of the globe because of Jared Diamond’s theory of â€Å"Geographic Luck.†God did not favor them more and their race was not genetically superior. Geographic luck is still affecting the world today. Trade is affected greatly, as well as the political unity in different countries. If everyone knew about this theory, I think the world would work together more. I think that more people would help the people who had a disadvantage because of the geography around them. Religions might also be affected if everyone knew about this theory. Some people may blame God for the way they live, but really God didn’t favor anyone. Wealth and the power in different societies that we have now I think are affected by the geography.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Othello and the theme of friendship in the play Essay
Friendship is a special bond between two or more people. This relationship is built on the basis of trust, loyalty and honesty. In the play Othello, Shakespeare demonstrates these qualities through many of his characters to portray their deep friendships. However as the play progresses these friends turn into foes as many problems occur in their friendships and lead to many tragic events. The negative qualities that tore these friendships apart are distrust, selfishness and jealousy that led many of the characters to their tragedies. In the play Othello, Shakespeare demonstrates that there are many causes of the problems that occur in certain friendships. In Shakespeare’s Othello, many friendships showed a lack of trust which resulted into many tragic events. This negative quality is repeatedly found in the character of Othello. Shakespeare wrote the relationship between Othello and Cassio to be that of friendship that consists of loyalty and honesty. The conflict between these two characters arose as Iago plants seeds of doubt into Othello’s mind about Cassio’s loyalty towards him. Othello’s trust in his friend Cassio was like a thin thread. It was very easy for Iago to succeed in his evil plans, for there was a lack of trust in their friendship. Iago manipulates Othello into believing that his honest wife Desdemona is having an affair with the loyal lieutenant Cassio. Although Iago gives no form of physical evidence, his convincing words are strong enough to allow such intense thoughts to enter Othello’s mind. As Iago states to Othello:†It is impossible you should see this,Were they as prime as goats, as hot as mnkeys,As salt as wolves in pride, and fools as grossAs ignorance made drunk.†(3.3.402-405)Iago uses such intense imagery of Desdemona and Cassio sleeping together, that it forces Othello to be enraged with such anger at Cassio’s betrayal. After falling into Iago’s trap and believing his dishonest words, Othello says†Within these three days let me hear thee sayThat Cassio’s not alive.†(3.3.472-473)All the anger and jealousy of betrayal that Othello feels, due to the mistrust between Othello and Cassio, leads Othello to plan the murder of lieutenant Cassio. The lack of trust between Othello and Cassio is also shown after the fight between Cassio and Roderigo took place. Othello’s distrust in Cassio led Othello to believe Iago’s words. He also took the fact that Cassio was drunk as a major flaw in him and instantly dismissed him from his position as lieutenant, not giving Cassio an opportunity to defend himself in full consciousness. Othello’s distrust in Cassio is displayed when he believes that lieutenant Cassio would be at fault for a deed, which he did not intentionally commit. Othello announces,†I know, Iago,Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter,Making it light to Cassio. Cassio, I love thee;But never more be officer of mine.†(2.3.225-228)This announcement is made while Cassio is still drunk; during this time he is not in a suitable state to defend him self. The lack of trust in the relationship of Othello and Cassio leads to tragic and sorrowful events. The Shakespearean play Othello carries many different causes of problems between the characters of the play. Many times throughout the play selfishness is displayed as a cause to many of the tragic events that occur, as many of the characters did things for their own benefit. A great amount of selfishness is shown in many of Iago’s relationships. His relationship with his wife Emilia would be well only when Emilia would do something for Iago. Although Emilia is aware of this, she is willing to do any favours for him, even picking up Desdemona’s handkerchief because Iago asked her too. Iago’s selfishness allows him to use his own wife for his evil desires of persuading Othello. â€Å"I am glad I have found this napkin;This was her first remembrance from the Moor. My wayward husband hath a hundred timesWoo’d me to steal it; but she so loves the token,For he conjured her she should ever keep it,That she reserves it evermore about herTo kiss and talk to. I’ll have the work ta’en outAnd give’t Iago: what he will do with itHeaven knows, not I;I nothing but to please his fantasy.†(3.3.290-299)To take his selfish plan further, Iago uses his wife Emilia’s loyalty to his own advantage. During the time Emilia kept the handkerchief in her hands, Iago’s speech towards Emilia was very different. â€Å"A good wench; give it me.†(3.3.313)Wench is an informal word to describe a young woman. Throughout the play it is showed that Iago believed women are prostitutes and work at night. Iago’s use but dislike in women establishes his selfishness. Shakespeare demonstrates Iago’s selfish desires to be rank a higher position, through many events. Selfishness was portrayed by the character of Iago with his friend Roderigo as well. Iago advised Roderigo to send Desdemona some jewels and money by Iago, to gain Desdemona, his ex-fiancà © back. Later it is found out that Iago never did present the gifts to Desdemona, but had kept it for himself. Iago even asks Roderigo to instigate a quarrel between Roderigo and Cassio, which would lead to the dismissal of Cassio’s position, as Cassio was drunk and all blame would fall on him. Iago continued to use Roderigo, as he states,†Thus do I ever make my fool my purse;For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profaneIf I would time expend with such a snipeBut for my sport and profit.†(1.3.372-375)Iago’s selfishness leads him to use Rodrigo to his benefit and advantage, not caring for the damage and emotional stress it must cost Rodrigo. Iago’s selfishness leads this friendship to Rodrigo’s own tragedy. Jealousy is something that can make a person do anything. Shakespeare’s play Othello establishes how jealousy tore many of the friendships apart. The friendship between Iago and Othello was greatly affected by the jealousy Iago felt towards him, because of Othello’s high rank and power; Othello holds a great reputation in Cyprus. Iago also wanted position and carried a desire to be lieutenant. He befriended Othello so thinking he may get the position, but Othello gave the position to the loyal and capable Cassio, also Othello’s friend. Iago believed Othello slept with his wife Emilia, which caused a lot of jealousy and anger within Iago. Iago was jealous that his wife Emilia slept with Othello, so he decided to give Othello the same trauma. â€Å"†¦ Rouse him, Make after him, poison his delight,Proclaim him in the streets, Incense her kinsmen,And though he in a fertile climate dwell,Plague him with flies; though that his joy be joy,Yet throw such changes of vexation on’t,As it may lose some colour.†(1.1.69-73)Iago’s jealousy caused him to do and plot evil and selfish deeds that would lead to many tragic events. Iago disliked Cassio for the same reason he disliked Othello; a higher rank. Instead of Iago, Cassio was appointed lieutenant by Othello; this caused Cassio to have a higher position. Iago speaks to Roderigo about Othello’s decision and states,††¦the better shall my purpose work on him. Cassio’s a proper man, Let me see now:To get his place, and to plumpe up my willIn double knavery -How, how?- Let’s see:- †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1.3.380-384)It is now evident Iago is jealous and wants revenge on both these characters, due to what he feel they have done to him. Iago believes Othello ‘overlooked’ him and choose Cassio as lieutenant, and Cassio took over him and accepted that position. Throughout the play Othello Shakespeare establishes many causes of the problems that occur between many friendships. It is clearly shown that many of the characters created by Shakespeare in Othello carried a lack of trust among each other. Many of the same characters were noticed as selfish characters. These characters would do anything to achieve what they desire and long for, would take advantage of anything that would benefit them. Jealousy was also a trait discovered as a cause of many problems. Jealousy was the main cause of most of the tragic events that occurred throughout the play of Othello. Shakespeare’s Othello creates a high understanding of the nature of human relationships. Bibliography: Othello by William Shakespeare
Sunday, January 5, 2020
History Of Subway Graffiti Art Essay - 1265 Words
The history of the underground art movement known by many names, most commonly graffiti begins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the mid to late 60s, and started with bombing. The writers who are credited with the first effort are CORNBREAD and COOL EARL. They wrote their names all over the city gaining attention from the community and the local press. Then the movement made way to New York City where the teenagers would write graffiti on the subways. It is unclear whether this concept made way to New York City on purpose or if it was an accident. Shortly after the CORNBREAD and COOL EARL effort, the Washington Heights section of Manhattan was giving birth to new writers. In 1971 The New York Times published an article on one of†¦show more content†¦Writers enhanced their tags with stars and other designs. Some designs were for visual purpose while others had meaning. For instance crowns were used by writers proclaiming themselves as king. The next development was scale . Writers started to make their tags to a larger scale. The standard nozzle width of a spray paint can is narrow so these larger tags while drawing more attention than a standard tag did not have much visual weight. Writers began to increase the thickness of the letters and would also outline them with an additional color. Writers discovered that caps from other aerosol products could provide them with a larger width of spray. This led to the development of the masterpiece. It is difficult to say who did the first masterpiece, but is commonly credited to SUPER KOOL 223 of the Bronx and WAP of Brooklyn. The thicker letters provided the opportunity to enhance the name. Writers decorated the interior of the letters with what were termed designs. First with simple polka dots and later with stars. Designs were limited to the writers imagination. Writers eventually started to make the masterpieces the entire height of the subway car. These masterpieces were termed top to bottoms. The addi tion color design and scale were advancements but still strongly resembled the tags on what they were based. The competitive atmosphere led to the development of actual styles, which would depart from the tag styledShow MoreRelatedHistory of Graffiti1340 Words  | 6 PagesThe History of Graffiti Graffiti is a form of art involving writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall in public places. Graffiti has also existed back in the Roman Empire and Ancient Greek. During the time of the Catacombs of Rome, graffiti was known as inscriptions, figure drawing that were found on the walls of ancient sepulchers or ruins. The earliest forms of graffiti dated back to 30,000 BCE in the form of prehistoric cave paintings and pictographs using toolsRead MoreEssay Graffiti: Art or Vandalism?1139 Words  | 5 PagesArt: the ultimate form of self expression. But, what constitutes an art? And, who decides? These very questions plague society as it tries to decide and define the official status of graffiti--art or vandalism? Because it has found its way into art galleries and because of the community of artists who challenge and inspire each other, graffiti should be considered art and as a way to express oneself. The origin and history of graffiti is not what one might expect. Believed to have been created byRead MoreGraffiti Essay1124 Words  | 5 Pages| Graffiti is Vandalism, Not Art | | | STUDENT NO: | 16 MARCH 2011 | The thread of this simple essay will centre on the controversy surrounding â€Å"graffiti art†â€â€is it art or simply vandalism. 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Graffiti is a way for people to show their unique creativity. Graffiti is a widely growing activity that is taking notice to many people. Today some people believe that graffiti is cool and wonderful, while others think it is useless and makes cities appear dirty. â€Å"Graffiti is the name for lettering scratched or images, scrawl, painted or noticeable in any manner on property. The term graffiti referred to the inscriptions, figure drawings, etc., foundRead More Is Graffiti Art? Essay3448 Words  | 14 PagesIs Graffiti Art? Graffiti has loomed between the borders of true art, mindless trash and a way of solely getting your name around. Is Graffiti the everyday scrawlings of misdirected teenagers or the well-laced masterpiece by a keen eye? For years the opinions have changed and shifted. Currently there is not a consensus about whether graffiti can yet be classed as art. 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